Spring Bulb Workshop
This workshop teaches you how to buy and plant spring bulbs to give you lots of colour in the spring.
It will be a mix of theory and practical, you will plant up a container layered with bulbs (bulb lasagne) which you will take home with you.
Workshop Content
Introduction to different types of spring bulbs
When to plant your bulbs
Where to plant your bulbs (garden, pots, lawns)
How to plant your bulbs
Where to source and buy your bulbs
Bulbs for containers
Bulbs for shade
Woodland bulbs
Bulbs for naturalizing
How to plant a bulb lawn
Spring plants to complement your bulbs
Workshop will consist of a slide presentation and practical planting up of a bulb lasagne. Tea and cake served.
Workshop Date: Saturday 4th October, 2025
Workshop duration: 10 am - 12.30 pm.
Cost of workshop €50 including bulbs and materials.
If interested contact me on 0870534336.