Vegetable Gardening for Beginners Workshop
Growing and Harvesting your own food
There is nothing like the taste of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially if you have grown it yourself.
This Workshop will guide you through the steps in creating a vegetable garden from scratch, from sowing seed to harvesting. It will equip you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to grow your own food.
This workshop is geared towards gardeners and non gardeners who have not grown vegetables before. It is for anyone who would like to learn about growing their own food. You don't need a garden or a lot of space to grow vegetables, you can grow vegetables in raised beds or containers. The vegetables we grow in this workshop are easy to grow and suitable for beginner gardeners.
Workshop Content
Choosing a Location
Bed Type – Ground, Raised Beds or Containers
Understanding Soil
Sustainable No Dig Gardening
Choosing Vegetables to Grow
Vegetables suited for Beginners
Plant Families/Categories
Crop Rotation
Companion Planting
Seeds or Plugs
- Sowing your own lettuce seed
Creating your own personal vegetable plan
Workshop will consist of a slide presentation, viewing our own vegetable garden and glass house, practical demo on seed sowing, sowing your own lettuce seeds and creating your own vegetable plan to take home.
Workshop Date: Friday 4th and Saturday 5th April 2025
Workshop duration: 10 am - 1 pm.
Cost of workshop is €40.
If interested contact me on 0870534336.